Natty avatar

Hi, I’m Natty

I strengthen brands and build loyal users through product design and creative leadership




My principles

Great designs are guided by strong principles.
These are the ones that I strive to live and work by.


I believe in equal rights for everyone – full stop. I see my role as a creative to draw out and visualize people’s desires and help them access those opportunities.


I believe we are at a defining moment in earth’s history. I want to inspire people to contribute their ingenuity in solving our modern challenges, creating abundance, and accepting nothing less.


I believe beauty has the power to awaken us, then spur us into action. It shows us the possibilities that exist all around us, both discovered and created.


 I believe humor is a uniquely human way of looking at the world. Laughing together for the right reasons is a powerful way of breaking down walls and uniting us to do great things.

Nice things others say

Natty is on my I’ll work with whenever, wherever list. It’s a short list.
— Mercedes R.
Natty has that rare combination of being immensely talented while also being extremely humble – making him a natural-born leader. He has an expert grasp of design principles while also imbued with a keen sense of knowing when to go beyond the rules to find the hidden gems.
— Leah B.
A team player who not only delivers outstanding creative work, but drives a culture that makes people want to work with him.
— Jess M.
Natty is a linchpin. You’ll never hear him say That’s not my job because that’s not how he works. He will contribute to any initiative, sweating the details, and executing at a super high level.
— Greg B.
Natty contributes far more than any job title would imply.
— Shane S.
You simply can not go wrong having Natty as part of any organization.
— Josh E.

Not nice things others say

I’m not sure how much time he spends making custom Slack emojis, and at this point I’m afraid to ask.
— Jeff H.
He’s not as cool on his scooter as he thinks he is.
— Daughter
You’ve got a good jumper and some handles, but it’s too bad you can’t dunk.
— Son
Stop yelling squirrel when there isn’t a *$#!%* squirrel.
— Evie the Aussie