Corporate Learning

The corporate learning world is not exactly known for enjoyable content. I tried to shake that up with humor and production value that far exceeded the always tight budgets.

Charlie’s Story

Remind Comcast salespeople to check with customers that they have hi-def source signals for their new HDTVs

The highest user rating of any training course Comcast had put out. The most rewatched training video on their platform. Got nicknamed the ‘Guy Ritchie’ of the training video world.

Bob’s Phone

Explain the benefits of Microsoft’s MyPhone service in a detailed, yet memorable way. Yes, “Connect your phone to the web” was indeed a new concept at this point in time. Yeah I’ve been doing this awhile ;)

Brandon Hall award winner for “Best Use of Video.” Localized for 7 different languages for worldwide training programs.

Matthew Siorek

Bob, and the style of this video, became a point of reference in the entire program. The illustrations were expanded and use throughout the learning course.

Hilton Scout

Generate awareness and understand of the new Scout program for Hilton Worldwide employees in under 90 seconds. Create something that doesn’t need to be updated.

Employees began submitting referrals the same day. Video is still in use almost ten years later. Brandon Hall award winner for “Best Use of Video.”

Zune Support

Build empathy with the Zune support staff who tended to be relatively new to the field. Also, remind them that there is a whole ecosystem that ties into people’s lives, not just a device.

By shooting this solo in two days, we delivered live action where the expectation was an animated PowerPoint. The stakeholders were thrilled and felt it hit the goals beyond expectations.

MSN Sizzle

Microsoft wanted an “exciting and educational” video to open the MSN sales training program. With a long list of capabilities and screenshots to include, they were stuck on how to make it short and enjoyable.

“Brilliant”, and “I can’t believe you got it all in there.” The video opened the training course and was localized for other regions.





Connected Flight